Where do I look

I am new to all this.. I eed help on finding local mystery shopping jobs. Where do I look for this?

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You need to register with companies and look to see what they are offering in your area. At this time of the month there will be relatively little left for December as the companies push hard to get all their shops done in the first half of the month so they aren't stuck with unperformed shops during the holidays. Companies that have shops everywhere there is a gas station, fast food joint or post office include Maritz, Market Force and IPSOS.

You can also see who has had shops in your area by registering with the free version of Jobslinger.com and look to see what shops are posted for your area. The chances are good that the shops you see have been taken already by other shoppers but at least it will give you an idea of what companies have clients in your area so are worth signing up with first.
I signed up for Job Slinger, as suggested, but I see no easy way to view the local postings (apparently you have to plug in a category first, view those; backtrack, choose another; and so on). Also, it's not showing what MSC is posting the shop, so I don't see how I can identify what MSCs will be most useful to my particular needs.
Go the list at the bottom of the page and sign up with as many companies as you can. That's the way most of us have done it. Not all companies are going to have work in your area at the moment, but that can change at any time, so it's best to sign up with as many as possible. If it's daunting to do a bunch of applications in one day, do just a few each day until you have applied with them all. You can also try the MSPA North America website and use their job board.
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