@Flash wrote:
You will sort out over time what companies you like to work with, which ones you are willing to work with and which ones just aren't worth the bother. You don't terminate with those that aren't worth the bother because another time they may have a client that is really worthwhile for you. And how fast a company pays becomes less of an issue as you get a stream of payments coming through.
Yeah, I figured. I did get pretty good pay on one from Trendsource because they offered PAD and I was going to be in the area anyway. And I have decided I will just ask for PAD and if they don't give it, I am not doing that shop. They do have quite a few grocery stores within 5 miles of me so it's not totally useless. I still need groceries.
The payment streaming in is not a huge issue because I have a full time day job and I am just using mystery shopping to build a little cushion and do fun things like going out to eat on someone else's dime. But I have had to pace myself on how many dining shops I can pick up haha.