Bank shops are my favorite. Probably because I'm an accountant. :-)
New Car shops were fun for a while, but I kinda got burned out on them early. I'm giving it a break until after the holidays.
I've done apartment and child care shops. These are quite fun. The apartment shops I don't get very often because I can't take a "targeted contact" shop. I have a day job and can't be on the phone all day trying to reach a specific person. The child care ones have been fun because they pay well, the reports are pretty simple and well... I'm a mom of three so it's a natural fit.
I do the grocery shops for the free groceries and have gotten my routine down on them, so it's worth my time and effort.
I just did my first retail clothing shop. It was easier than the specs made it seem, so I'll add more of them to the repertoire.
I try not to do reimbursed shops unless they are for practical things like oil changes or items I need at the time. MSing is my path out of debt, so I'll throw in an occasional lifestyle shop for the experience but that's it.
****edited because of poor word choice, and sounding like a jerk***
I used to see a life coach pretty regularly.... back when they were called bartenders.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/16/2015 06:12PM by KimRod.