When you are dealing with the SASSIE reporting system a notice of 'paid' often refers to the date at which payment was approved and then accounting still needs to process the thing through for the money to go to Paypal, so I don't think they 'gottcha' on that one.
For your second shop yes, credit unions have a Board of Directors who set the policies. "Live, work or worship" have long been the criteria for many credit unions, while others may be specific for "Teachers and their families in a Tri-County Area" or "One Armed Wallpaper Hangers" etc. I hope that you contacted RBG about the recent change because future shops are jeopardized and I strongly suspect they would pay you at least part of your fee due to being unable to complete the shop due to a change in policy at the branch. The shop rejection may well have been done by an editor as a knee jerk because they saw no proof of account opening. Talk to somebody at RGB.