Thanks, AustinMom. All duly noted. I guess these are the things you learn as you're earning your stripes. Believe me, though, I know not to trust spell checker. That's one of the reasons I ignored it when it said it should be spelled "on-line". I looked it up, and couldn't even find a reference to "on-line". Everything said "online". But you're right. The customer is always right, so I suppose that makes me wrong, even if Webster and everyone else agrees with me. Thanks for pulling me up short on that one.
As far as my embarrassing moment. I did briefly consider aborting the shop. I just wasn't sure what protocol was. I thought if I finished the shop, it might be rejected. But I also thought if I aborted and then came back in again, it might get rejected. So i said to myself, "If I was actually in here as a real customer, what would I do?" Actually, I would have collected myself, paid for my item, and left. So that's what I did. I did mention it briefly in my narrative, and then just like the actual shop, I didn't make a big deal out of it, and finished the rest of the report and submitted it. It will be interesting to see the outcome.
Thanks for your input. I'll think long and hard on it. I appreciate the guidance.