If you use Jacob's advice, you should know by now how to "get started"!
First, it is my advice to set up a separate email account for all your MS business. Use a free service, like Yahoo, Hotmail or my favotite Inbox.com. I love this service! They have the best Web Security Guard af all. I can have as many as 80-90 emails waiting for me when I get up. I clear them all out, and by 5-6 PM I have another 50-60. Throught the day I've amassed between 150-200 pieces of Spam and not one single piece has gotten into my mailbox! They are fabulous! (If you're reading this Inbox, I deserve to be paid for the free advertising)!
Go to volition.com, walletboosters.com or mymommybiz.com (not mommys). All three have extensive lists of MS companies that you can apply to.
Next: Apply, apply, apply, apply. If you apply to 3 or so companies every day for 1 month, you'll have applied to 100 or more companies. Good START! Keep applying!
Don't ever stop. I've applied to well over 250 companies and I still keep applying. Why? Out of those companies, I've heard back from about 150. Out of the 150, I've been offered jobs, (or found jobs on their website), from about 125, but alot of those jobs were nowhere near where I live. I've probably done jobs for about 75 of those companies, but on a consistant basis, I've chosen 20-25 companies that I really like to work with. If you have applied to enough companies YOU get to choose who YOU want to work for. You don't have to take just any job, because you need the money.
Next: You'll get return emails from the companies that are interested and soon the offers will follow. Don't get discouraged! I waited over 6 months before I heard from one company, but it is now one of my favorites. And don't be disappointed when you apply for jobs and you don't get them. Companies have to keep there present shoppers happy, so newcomers will be the last to be chosen. But you'll get there and if you do a good job for them, you'll quickly climb the ladder.
This "starting" thing is SO-O-O-O EASY folks. Just get busy and do it.
If you run across a company that asks about MSPA certification - if you're not certified, you're not, no big deal! Most companies don't care or ask. I get email offers all the time that say "We prefer MPSA Certified Shoppers, but this job does not require it".
Print every page of every application BEFORE you go to the next page, (the pages have a way of disappearing when you try to go back) and print the last page before you submit it. If they ask you to provide a User ID or a Password make sure you write it on the front. Companies require different kinds of passwords, so one size does not fit all. Print out their reply to you, when it comes in. It usually contains very valuable information, such as a User ID and Password they supply to you or contact info.
Now, armed with this step by step program - hop to it!
If I forgot something you need to know, write back!
Mother Hen