What company shops Cheddars?

I would really love to know what company shops Cheddars. I would also like to know if there are any Auto Brite or car wash shops. Please email me at { personal e-mail address removed: this is a bad idea on a public internet forum } if you know the answer. Thanks in advance.

Mod note: Please keep in mind that the Posting guidelines of our forum prohibit revealing the clients of mystery shopping companies.

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We are not allowed to tell you via this forum or by PM. This would be violating the Independent Contractor Agreement that we have all signed for each mystery shopping company. I will say that Cheddars is shopped (at least in my area it is) but it is up to you to find it by signing up for the companies on the Official List of Mystery Shopping Companies located at the bottom of each page of this forum. It is possible; however, that the shops that I see are regional to my area only or it may not be enough time since the last shopper did it to be reposted (so not guaranteeing you will see them.)

Shopping across Indiana but mostly around Indianapolis.
Welcome to the forum!

Unfortunately, what lbw1000 said about disclosing the name of the company that shops Cheddars or any other place is a violation of the contracts each of us sign with the companies that provide us work. I can tell you there are car wash shops.

I can also tell you that putting your email address in a public forum is an invitation to getting spammed by all the robotic programs that harvest email addresses on the internet. You can edit your post to remove the addresses.

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
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