Mystery shopping companies in California

Hi all, I am new to mystery shopping and am seeming to have a hard time finding companies based in CA that have a lot of jobs. I feel like I have signed up for sooo many and usually they only have a few shops to choose from. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am signed up with intellishop, ACL, Amusement Advantage, Bestmark, Beyond Hello, and a few others. Any advice would be great!!!

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cristinap, most successful shoppers are signed up with over 100 companies and many of them don't have work most of the time. The thing is that a company that has no work in your area right now might pick up a client and have work available. You can go to prestomaps and jobslinger who will have some work in your area but really if you want to keep busy you need to go to the bottom of this page and sign up with every company on the official list of mystery shop companies.
I am in the American Graffiti area and I started with Trendsource (so glad they were my first) and then just started signing up for different shops off the two sites mentioned above.
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