To the seasoned shoppers

At what point do you think you were able to transition from "newbie shopper" to experienced? As in able to hold out for the well paying shops, and not having trouble booking shops. I may have just sapped the leftovers in my area, or maybe I just need a couple more MSCs with several clients in my area, but I have not been able to get much work as of this week.

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A lot of it depends on your location and your competition. Many locations have quite a lot of competition. If you are in a location with a lot of competition and some very well established competitors, it can take longer. If you are in an area of little competition, it can be pretty fast to build a track record. I would say just do your best and keep watching those job boards. I also suggest signing up with at least 50-100 MSCs. Many here are signed up with 150+ and several shoppers I know are signed up with 200+.
About 2 months. I'm expecting my first checks, other than BestMark, to start arriving next week.

Also, would it be worth it at this point to invest in silver certification? I intend to stick with it, assuming I can continue getting assignments.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/16/2015 06:09AM by Kakita987.
Depends on how many shops you've done, you might be a newbie for that first year or two. Bear in mind, even us old-timers can always learn new things.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
And whenever we start working with a company with whom we have not already developed a reputation, as far as they are concerned we are a "newbie".

If you read about the certifications you will find that some shoppers are 'sure' they helped while others are 'sure' they did not. Two shoppers in the same household, one gets certified the other does not and they see the same shops. Draw your own conclusions.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/30/2015 09:39PM by Flash.
Kakita, I'm usually in favor of at least the silver certification, my point of view being it's cheap and what can it hurt. But, with only two months in I believe you need more experience to go along with it. When I started out I took anything I could get. Only when I was booking full days of work did I become selective. Yeah, I kissed a bunch of frogs but I got there. So will you.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
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