question about walgreens

I was just wondering if anyone knows if Walgreens is shopped. Since I am fairly new to shopping, it could be that I just haven't landed with the right company yet.

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I have never actually shopped Walgreens, but I have done shops INSIDE a Walgreens.

For instance, an ink company does a shop of stores that carry their ink (Walgreens, CVS, etc.).
I have shopped W for a competitor shop several times, in addition to what Lisa said, as well. However, the company that did those has been bought out, and is no longer shopped.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
I shopped Walgreens a few years ago for a company that is still free standing. But I gather the shops are no longer done. They were not competitor shops.
I shopped Walgreens, but the company lost them...don't know if their still shopped.

Live consciously....
I haven't seen them show up elsewhere so figure they have dropped the program entirely. And frankly the shops were formulaic and not particularly applicable to the Walgreen situation (in my opinion) so I can't imagine that they were of much use to the client in planning, monitoring or improving service for greater market share.
I just noticed a bunch of December Walgreens assignments on the job board for a large and popular scheduling service.

It's a different MSC than I used to shop them for in the past, but then the last Walgreens shop I did was probably 4 years ago.

Edited to add: I spoke a bit soon. They are just compliance shops AT Walgreens.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2009 03:41PM by SteveSoCal.
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