I bring along a ziplock baggie and put all receipts and business cards into the baggie.
In the shop location (store, bank, whatever), I hold onto the card/receipt/paperwork with my car keys as I walk to the car. This way, I have an excuse to "get organized" in the car and the card/receipt/paperwork goes right into the baggie.
I bring a spiral bound notebook with the first page of all of the shops I need to do, in the order I should do them. Then one page (each) is dedicated to the shop, with the address, the requirements. When I arrive at location, I open the notebook and write down the time. When I come back to the car, I write down the time.
When I do most reports, if a picture is required, I upload the picture FIRST and save the report. Phophet system does not allow attachments to be saved, so I upload them after I have saved the report on that system.