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Asking how many video shops a v-shopper does per month is a little like asking, "What is your lifestyle?" Every shopper's answer will be different. One of the most important factors will be willingness to travel. Another will be if you live/shop in a one party or a two party consent state, since one party states tend to have a ton of short video retail shops (at lower fees) that you will seldom, if ever, find in a two-party state. Also, for long interactions (which pay the best fees) are you aware that you can only return somewhere between 2 years and never to the same location? This means that you will be doing a lot of travel to do a lot of high fee videos.
How many non-video shops have you done so far? You would be well advised to have done at least ten each of the following non-video shops before trying the video versions: apartments, new homes, automobile sales with test drive, assisted living.
Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel
Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.