So I reported my third shop last night, or I tried to. Completed the CPI, submitted the reciept, and had finished the report. The report was spell checking, and it found a screwy spellign error which turned out to be a bunch of words mashed together with letters missing. No idea how that happened. Since the spellcheck only showed me part of the sentance, I couldn't easily fix it properly, so I saved and exited.
Went back, reopened clicked through with the intent to fix the error and submit. 1/3rd of the way through the software had an error and ceased working. Can't open that report on any browser, tried two devices.
I emailed last night, cited the error and was told this morning my report looks complete to them just not submitted. I explained what had happened, what the error was and appologized. I'm new, while I don't think I did anything to cause the error, I don't want to be a problem off the bat.
I now have a reply they'll take my case to management. Any one have kind words, wisdom? Obviously in future I should look before hitting next. But I wouldn't have thought looking through the report again would screw up the system :/