Jojonola, those reports on Albertson's shouldn't take an hour and a half. The ones I do have a bunch of interactions and comments of at least four sentences are required on each interaction. Using only four sentences, you can hit the bases on all required points. Are you writing longer than necessary narratives? Always write the shortest possible narrative that will cover all required points. This is to your advantage as well as to the editor's advantage.
Other than those four sentence comments, the report is primarily checking off boxes. I'm trying to figure out what's taking so long here. Are you having a problem reading your own notes? If you're using an ad flyer as they suggest and writing down notes all over it, that could be the problem.
I use a 5 x 8 index card lined off into a grid and folded in half. On one side I have blocks for all the departments and other items I'm supposed to cover. On the back side I can write random notes. Each block in the grid has a label and inside that block I note the information I have to have. When all the blocks except the last two are full, I'm ready to check out. After I check out, I fill out the last two blocks. You need a block for every required interaction as well as a block for each other set of information you need to get.
The Albertson's shop does require a great deal of information but it's all simple to understand and capture. I agree with Vlade that we usually get faster after two or three reports and that's what makes me think your notes are the problem. If you can give us more information about what's slowing you down, maybe we can be more helpful.
Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.