E.I.N. or SS number

I am new to this . Do you give your SS number or do you file for a E.I.N. number? I not sure about giving out my SS number to some company I do not know.

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While you can easily apply for an EIN on line, generally that causes more eventual headaches than it solves. Look at the URL bar at the top of your screen. If it says "["]; instead of "["]; you are talking to a secure website. If you are signing up with legitimate companies from reliable lists such as in the Mystery Shopping Company Discussion section of this forum, from the MSPA or from Volition.com, and the site is secure, you should have no qualms about entering your SS.
Filing for the EIN is simple enough and I use it when I can, but some companies have forms that will not allow it and require a SSN. You can always tell the companies that you will supply it if your income gets to the required amount. Some require it to get started, however.

I think all of the companies listed in the getting started forums are legit, but there's always some danger if you put your SSN in their database. Their records could get stolen or hacked, or they could have a corrupt employee.

So far (knock on wood), I have not had any problems with my SSN being on file and I think I'm registered with just about every company out there.
Steve, I agree...I have given my SS# to many companies, without incident. The sites are secure, just be sure to register with companies either on MSPA or someone else on the forum recommends and has worked with.

Live consciously....
The limit for 1099's is anything over $ 600. The shops I have done have minimal $$'s paid, and really are just pocket cash. I wouldn't give out SS #'s as someone else said, unless you exceed $600 in income. If a company 'requires' it, I would tend to believe they weren't legit.
There are many many companies out there that are totally legitimate and with whom you are unlikely to earn $600 in a year but if you do not fully complete the application you can count on $0. Within the past couple of years most have moved their applications to 'secure' sites. If you are working with a company off of a legitimate list of companies, there is no viable reason not to provide your SS#.
I only recall one MSP that didn't have a secured site, and, reluctant to enter my SSN, sent an email of explanation. The following day I received a phone call from a rep from this MSP. She understood and indicated that I was among many who did not want to enter it online. She provided different options and I was able to complete my application.
I have never had a problem with any mystery shop company regarding my SSN and I have listed so far with about 15 companies. Just remember,In GOD we trust,all
others take appropriate cautions and if something doesn't seem right,get the heck
I am listed with way more...around 400 right now. I have not had a issue yet, but being cautious with your SSN is never a bad thing. Just like CC co's, one bad apple out to steal info is all it takes.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
And certainly the "trick" is to go to companies other SHOPPERS have found to be "legitimate". Lists of such are available here in the first first post of the first thread of the Mystery Shopping Company Discussion section, at Volition.com and on other forums.
I am new to this whole shopping experience. Thanks for the heads up on SSN. Gave mine out to one company, a secured site, but then started to stress over it!! Its a lot to digest. This forum is very helpful.
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