Catregen, if you're talking about that $300 handbag, I think that might not fly with the IRS. It has to be reasonable business expense and you might get some blowback on that. Keep in mind nothing we tell you here will hold up. Even if you call the IRS and someone tells you something, that won't hold up either. The only thing that matters is whether they take issue with the expense and what their ruling turns out to be.
It would be best not to buy that handbag unless you want to pay for a $300 handbag. Even if you are not reimbursed and are able to deduct it, you will not be able to deduct $300 from your taxes. You will only be able to deduct $300 from your taxable income, so if you are in a 20% bracket your tax savings would be $60.00 and your out of pocket actual outlay would be $240.00 after your tax advantage.
Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.