1) What is a typical day/shift like as a mystery shopper? What are some of the tasks involved? (Is it just going to the store, taking note of things, asking questions, taking pictures and then writing a lengthy review online before the deadline.. or is there more?)
Each shopper is different. Based on your goals and work in your area you will have a different outlook. For me personally, I mystery shop weekly. It's part time income for me and sometimes is more than my full time income. I basically take a note of the guidelines and have them on my smartphone in case I need to run it over. Considering your age, you're ideal for compliance shops like tobacco and alcohol. I don't know what area of Toronto you're in but I would think that if you're near a metropolitan city, you would have loads of opportunities.
2) What is the time frame of the tasks of a mystery shopper? To be more specific, how long do you spend at the store, how much time are you given to write your review and how long does it take to write the review?
Based on the client expectations. Mostly fifteen to twenty minutes. My reviews take thirty minutes to three hours for detailed hotel shops.
3) What is the pay like? Mystery shopping seems like a lot of work and I'm wondering... is it worth the pay?
Pay varies. I've decided to take no less than $15 per hour. It's worth it if you're doing a route like say five gas stations at 15 minutes each with two hours reporting time for $75 and one video shop for $50. It's less than an eight hour day and it's more than I would make in eight hours
4) Would you recommend a mystery shopping job over, let's say, a 10 to 20-hour part-time job? Is it better than a regular part-time job (in your opinion)?
Nope. Mystery shopping is based on what is available. You can never know what will happen a week from today or what projects may or may not be available. There are other shoppers competing just like you and who know's if you'll get the job. I personally think it is like a part time job in my opinion. I work it like my own business...but I don't feel confident enough to walk away from my paltry part time job.
5) Do you get tired of mystery shopping? Do you get tired of writing a lot or do you find yourself getting bored?
Honestly, I think I'm addicted to MSing. It's like great for me because I'm an online student and I write reports all day. I've gotten really good at bullsh!tting to be quite frank.
Sometimes, I get burned out and I take a break. It can get frustrating when you get a rejected report or you have reports with queries. I try hard to never get those.
6) Is getting an MPSA certification necessary?
I am Gold Certified and a member of the IMSC. I got the Gold when I was 23 and it really helped me with video shops. I'm really not sure. Everyone has a different opinion on the value of the certs.
7) Is Premier Service Inc. a good mystery shopping company to work with? Are there better options out there that pay more or are just better for other reasons? Which ones do you recommend (especially for here in Toronto)?
Great company. I only worked with them once. Beware there is a scam out there using their name.
8) How exceptional of a writer must one be to be a great mystery shopper? Do you get more/better shops based on writing quality?
The quality of your question displays that you are a good writer. You will get better as you do more shops. Yes the better your writing, the better your work, the better the jobs...and so on...
9) How slow is the process of getting more shop options... after signing up, does it take a while to get your first store? Does it take a while to get more stores or to get higher paying tasks?
Try doing a few low paying shops first, retail shops are tedious and time consuming in my opinion. If you're just starting out, it's a good place to learn the ropes. In the beginning, its a bit frustrating to go through the reports, but as you get the hang of it, it's all butter baby.
Gold Certified
507+ Sassie Shops
Shopping South Florida since 2007
Own PV-500