Flash Wrote:
> And I've been doing it still longer without it.
> Right now there are not nearly as many shops out
> there as two years ago (many clients have cut back
> or eliminated shops, some have gone into
> bankruptcy, some have closed a lot of locations)
> and about half the shops I see either have had
> their fees reduced or are with companies who seem
> to be having difficulty coming up with money to
> pay shoppers according to their schedules (or
> both). There are many folks currently unemployed
> who are trying their hand at shopping in hopes it
> can bring in some good quick income. Surprise,
> the income was never 'good' nor 'quick',
> especially when compared to minimum wage slinging
> burgers and getting paid every week or every other
> week. While yes, I do several $40 bank
> evaluations per month, there is no source for a
> steady diet of those to make a reasonable living
> without spending a lot of time driving to other
> areas. And realistically, how far do you drive
> for a $40 job that will still take 2 hours to
> write the report?
> 64 jobs in a month is not at all bad for a newbie
> and shop availability depends entirely on where
> you are and how saturated your market is with
> shoppers. Build your reputation as being reliable
> with as many companies as you can and that will
> serve you better than any certification.
Thanks for the oveview of what has happened in the industry over the last 2 years. All these responses are appreciated.