Mall Shops

I would really like to be able to get more mall shops, but so far with all the companies I've signed up with it seems only one of them does a mall shop. Can anyone point me in the right direction of companies that have these shops?

When I mean mall shops, I mean the typical stores you'd find in the mall: Victoria's Secret, Dillards, JC Penneys, Hollister, Walden Books, etc. I don't need to know which company hosts what because I know that it's not allowed, but just a hint in the right direction. smiling smiley

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Keep in mind that there are also smaller stores in a mall such as Yankee Candle, cell phones, food locations etc. Of the ones you name, I have believe I have seen Hollister shopped, but I generally stay away from the malls.

Sinclair, Intellishop, ICCDs, Bestmark, Maritz, Beyond Hello and many many others have shops that are likely to occur in malls. In general the companies tend to pay less for shops in malls, possibly because they figure you can do a whole lot of shops on one trip. Of course finding more than one that can be done in the same 'window' is difficult here, so I just don't bother trying to accumulate them.
For me, even when I have personal shopping, I need several shops in a mall to make it worthwhile, and it is difficult to build a 'route' when multiple MSPs are in play. Mall shops are low-mid paying and in my area don't often have bonuses attached. MSPs, other than the ones Flash mentioned, Cori, Service Intelligence and Second to None.
I think they may only be left with the old cheapie for the end of the contract and are moving to the newer cheapie for good. I could be wrong. The wording onthose shops has been changing over the last few months at the newer cheapie, though, which leads me to believe I might not be.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Beyond Hello has shops in malls, just did a J.C.Penney Vision in my mall (3 miles away), took 10 minutes. I try and get three shops in my mall, and for an hours work, pick up $30.00.

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