It's also important to differentiate between gross earnings and NET earnings!
I'm a rural, route shopper and my typical route is a round robin of about 120 miles. During that route I will shop between 4 to 7 shops. I drive a gas guzzler by necessity and spend a minimum of $30 per trip on gas. So, I have to make a minimum of $50 to break even (don't forget wear and tear on the vehicle, lunch, etc.). So I look at my gross, take out for gas and lunch and that's my net. Yesterday I netted $130 on a 75 mile route and only 4 shops! For me, that is a GOOD day! I'll worry about taxes later!
Out here in the sticks, a more reasonable net is about $50 a day. Out here, USPS, grocery stores and fast food are my bread and butter. I get the higher paying bank shops about 1 or 2 days a month. Retail specialty shops are rare, chain restaurants are nonexistent. I would love to broaden my territory, but it's always about the gas!
My advice to beginner shoppers, watch your NET profit, not your GROSS income!