margeryprk Wrote:
> I just signed up with MarkerForce and did my first
> shop, fast food, today. I ran home, did the
> paperwork and was extremely careful. Now, tonight
> I just realized that I did it on the wrong day.
> It should be done tomorrow. I emailed the help
> desk but have not had a response. I could do it
> tomorrow if I could get the paperwork again but I
> can't. I feel so stupid for doing this. Has
> anyone else down this? What a start,
In the future, the first thing I would try is to reschedule the shop for today's date, as soon as you notice it's the wrong date. Note, this has to be done before reporting it, not after.
Yes, it's a bit sneaky, but if the day you did the shop is also a valid date, it's a lot better for your shopper rating to have a reschedule than having a shop invalidated outright.