Best Mark pays twice a month and mails out checks. If you look at your shop history you will see when they are scheduled to be paid as it gets closer to a payday. I've done several auto shops for Best Mark. Their reports are pretty long and a lot of narrative but the prompt pay is nice. I typically only take those now if they are a good filler on a route with good travel cash.
As for which companies are "best" it's hard to say, and frustrating as a new shopper, because it really varies area to area. A friend of mine that is a shopper LOVES Confero, but they have no shops in our area at all. Sign up for JobSlinger and Volition and that will give you a good idea which companies have shops in your area and sign up with those companies to start.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/13/2014 12:02AM by RIMS.