Life Expectancy of Mystery Shoppers

You won't see a whole lot of 'familiar names' as shopper 'life expectancy' is overall pretty short. It is discouraging to see how fees fall, job instructions increase to include specificity of every 'problem' that has ever arisen for anyone (I have one shop that was 1 page of instructions when I first did it 5 years ago that is up to 4 pages now for essentially the identical shop, while the fee is now 1/3 of what I performed it for 5 years ago), and over time there are more and more companies you decide you can no longer stomach doing business with. So after a few years, even excellent shoppers throw in the towel.

Very few of my 'starting cohort' of shoppers continued more than 6 months and now 5 years later I know 2 who shop occasionally around their merchandising schedules, one who is struggling to keep shopping full time and one who does only 5-6 favorite shops per month. This is out of a group of about 30 folks. And this was a group that was successful at getting and performing shops. I have kept in touch with a few and they have found other ways to spend their time--writing, crafts and hobbies,'too busy', and some either are caring for ill family members or have gone back to work full time when an ill family member was put into professional care or died. Shopping is difficult to do as a "job" because too much time is necessary to find enough jobs that pay fairly to call it such, so it is a temporary hiatus in many folks' lives.

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