Advice from a noob to other noobs on how to use forums!

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Hello, All!!! I'm the most popular person on this forum right now. In my short time here I've actually sparked some conversation on these boards and have given the most popular thread to date. All by regulars here who toggled me (Made it so they can't see what I post. Crazy Eh? People lie!) and decided not to participate. The topic in questions wasn't the issue, where as it was more the way the posters responded.

I'm new to mystery shopping, I've only shopped a hand full of shops. Unfortunately I most likely spend way too much online reading. I love to learn and I'm interested in a large variety of topics. I've been using forums for years. They can be helpful/hurtful depending on how you use them.

1st Remember Everyone has an opinion. There's thousands of members here. Meaning on any subject you will most likely get different opinions. It's your job to weed through them and find the info that helps you.

2nd. This is just like school. People join up in groups, become friends. Most friends have similar views. On this and any forums there's an "In Crowd". I'm not saying this as an insult. We all have friends right? (Except me). Anyways an opinion is never wrong in theory. However no one's perfect. So when you think about someone's opinion make sure you think about what is being said. Never just take someone's word blindly. Except for Flash. Reading his/her post, I can say they really want to help people. If they tell you to jump off a bridge, well believe you can fly!

3rd. Search function - Try to use the search function on any forum. Forums are communitys that bring certain people together on a particular topic. If you want to know about LAW go to a law forum. Movies? Movie forum. Medical? Medical forums. And yes these do exist.

MONEY FORUMS!!!! There are forums out there where very smart/intelligent people who are very successful share tips/secrets. A secret after all is only an opinion that the info should be kept secret. There's "Flash" all over the world/place. People who are willing to share valuable information to help people.

4th. READ READ READ. Keep reading and ask tons of questions. If you get a 7 page thread where 90% of the post are flaming/bashing you. Ignore them. Don't toggle them because even those kinds of people have good insight. Just because someone is rude doesn't mean they aren't knowledgeable. I wouldn't suggest taking the same path I take. I get more from this than entertainment. I would defend yourself but I suggest just ignoring them. IF you keep a topic alive long enough eventually someone else has the balls to post on topic. They ignore the the "in crowd" and a constructive conversation may proceed.

5th This may be the most important. How often have you read or sent a text that was taken the wrong way? Context is everything in communication. Not only writing but communication in general. You may call your best friend "Stupid" in a playful manner. However if you yell and look at them mean and call them stupid you get a total different reaction.

When you deal with thousands of people, try to understand your first impression of what they are asking may not be correct. Use the context around it to figure out what they mean. If you're in doubt ask! There are plenty of successful people on forums. There's also a lot of average/below average people. To be successful you have to have people who aren't. There are people who will help you. I mean out of a thousand people someone has to like you right?

6th) Stay on topic! There's thousands of topics here. Someone makes a topic to have a conversation with other people who have the same interest! IF you don't feel like talking about something just skip it ! It's not rocket science. That's not saying if you disagree don't post. But if you do disagree be prepared to have an open mind and to actually discuss the topic in hand. Don't tell someone "I don't want to give a list, use the search function!" Well why did you respond to a post with people asking for list? Like going to Burger King to tell people the Big Mac is better. Just go to McDonalds!

I was pretty much done with this forum. Then today I got a little reminder of why I put up with all this. I'm not going to name the person who sent this, as they sent it in PM and that usually means private. I do not know this person but I do get these kinds of PM's from time to time. People telling me they enjoy my post/writing/style. Everyone has an opinion right?

"I'm so glad you've defended yourself and done it well! I HATE HATE HATE the attitudes on this forum and rarely stop by. No one is helpful. Everyone is high and mighty and jerks about it. Most people just lose it and snap and post something just hateful, but you've pointed out their flaws and surprise surprise, they are just repeating themselves trying to win an argument they shouldn't have commented on the first place. So, GO YOU. I've complained about the attitudes here, but pretty much get a big fat "everyone is entitled to their opinion" everytime. Some people are nicer than others, but don't back down on how you feel. You do well putting people in their place and they need it around here."

I do want to point out. That even some of the people who I have argued with. Some of them offer great advice. I don't think anyone intentionally tries to discourage people from posting. It's more of they think people should have their views/opinions and anyone who doesn't is wrong. Well they are right, they are wrong if they take the same perspective as that person. In a disagreement you can both be WRONG and RIGHT.

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Notice I never said anything rude in the other post. I say what I need to say, do my best to give my point of view and then I read.

I know some people have attitudes in this forum; I have never claimed otherwise. I believe I have ranted about it a time or two. You're not going to change the person. You're much better off to voice your opinion and move on.

Even though there are attitudes, I try to respect everyone's opinion and not bash them, despite disagreements.

One thing I will say and that is that nobody on this forum has ever told me I have no reason to voice my opinion because I am a newer shopper. I've only been doing mystery shopping for 15 months now, and I have learned a lot from just reading, but I have learned even more from participating in discussions.

Arguing with fools is like playing chess with a pigeon...
...No matter how good you are, the pigeon will s@^t on the board and strut around like it won anyway.

Not scheduling for ANY company.
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