AustinMom Wrote:
> I vote no, that it would not be appropriate to use
> this forum to ask for free input from forum
> members to create a product to sell to us. We are
> all mystery shoppers here and we are all out to
> make money. We help each other out and everything
> offered here on the forum is free. If I were
> asked to provide my professional services to help
> you make money on a product, I'd want to be paid.
You would not be willing to help create something that will benefit you in the long run? Wouldn't you like to save time in the long run so that you can generate more income for yourself? Obviously, beta testers should be compensated with free access to the thing being developed.
You may be using Microsoft Excel today... and many, many people gave their free input to make Excel the great product that it is today... and it continues to evolve due to user requests. Those people get "paid" in that they get what they wanted in the next version.
walesmaven Wrote:
> I also beta tested the other "system," which was
> created by IT professionals and touted in almost
> the very same language that you have used here. I
> sent in my observations like a good little beta
> tester and was patted on the head and ignored.
That is very unfortunate. If the other "IT professionals" had any idea what they were doing, they would have valued your input. About a year ago, I beta tested a new consumer electronics device. The company who developed it didn't listen to the beta testers. The thing actually went to market with some very serious flaws. The company has some other consumer electronics devices which actually work quite well, but their entire business has suffered because they released this flawed product to the consumers... and the consumers are crucifying them for doing so.
By comparison, one of the software vendors that I deal with (with me being their customer) has the right idea, in my opinion. They listen very well to my input... and my suggestions show up in the next version of their software about 80% of the time. At one point, they actually flew me to their headquarters and paid me to stay in a nearby hotel for a week... just so they could pick my brain. Their attitude is, "If it will make our product better, we will sell more product, so we will seriously consider input from our customers." That's the right attitude for any company to have, including mystery shopping.
walesmaven Wrote:
> Unless you have either done a ton of shops form
> most of the 200+ MSCs that we deal with OR you
> listen well to those of us who have and would use
> a system, you will not be in a position to
> determine what will and will not be user friendly.
Understood completely. I definitely want to do some mystery shopping... first and foremost to earn a little extra money for another project which is totally unrelated to mystery shopping. I don't have the money in my budget at the present time to get that project going... so if I can earn an extra $100-300 each month, I can put that money away over the course of the next couple of years until I have enough money to get started.
The reason I'm asking about this website/app stuff is because I see a potential need that I think I can fill. If I understand what I've read, it appears that you guys need a good, easy way to keep track of your jobs (shops). For example, you need to track:
if/when/how-much you got paid
your expenses
your time
your mileage
and a bunch of other stuff.
Then there's the (as I see it now, I could be wrong...) amazingly time consuming and complicated task of logging-in to potentially hundreds of different websites to look at what jobs you're scheduled for, and what jobs you might be interested in doing. I don't know if those MSC's would be interested in allowing access, but it seems like it would make a whole lot of sense for you and them if you could see all that info in one place. One thing I do know... if I could get the leaders in the market to jump on board, the others would eventually follow.
walesmaven Wrote:
> With your very limited experience of MS company
> proceedure and forms, you are asking questions
> that it takes a professional shopper a couple of
> years to learn through experience. We can point
> you in the right direction, but we are not here to
> recite to you the 100+ ways that companies
> instruct shoppers, or that clients expect shoppers
> to report their findings.
I'm not saying that I could unify the reporting process. I understand that each company (and potentially each editor) wants different things. However, I believe I could make it so that the site/app automatically logs you into the MSC's website, and takes you directly to the page where you enter your report for that specific shop. Every click saved is a couple of seconds saved.
walesmaven Wrote:
> This is a business with very low start-up costs in
> terms of money. But the time required to learn
> what each assignment required is the price of
> entry. As you will read many times in these
> forums, the second time that you do a shop, the
> whole thing, report included, takes half as long
> as the first. The third or fourth iteration takes
> less than 1/4 the prep time and 1/3 or less the
> reporting time. If you have a very well paid job
> you may not want to spend your leisure time
> learning a new skill set.
I like learning new things. The low monetary startup cost is what has brought me here (see what I wrote above about starting another project). I'm willing to read and research. I'm not asking to be spoon fed. I'm just throwing the idea out there to see what sticks. I'm definitely not prepared to start developing a new site/app right now... but it's an idea that I'd like to think about and gather information to see if it would be financially viable. I would love to find a way to make my own money and quit working for someone else. I just need to find the right "thing" to sell.