Interested mystery shopper

Hey, I'm new to mystery shopping and I was wondering if anyone can answer some questions for me. I've been having a hard time finding a job here in fl and have been considering getting into mystery shopping but the rates of shops seem to be between $7 and $9 and it seems that the cost of gas will be more then the pay. Does mystery shopping really pay off on a weekly basis? Also any suggestions please? Thank you!

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I'm not at all sure what you mean by, 'pay off on a weekly basis.'

Here's the classic suggestion. Sign up for a lot of companies. You'll be looking to find out which ones have shops that you like, which ones have shops that pay more, and which ones have shops that are close to you.

One way to manage is to put together a collection of shops, a 'route', that'll have enough shops, clustered close together, to pay for your gas and allow you a profit, too.

That's not something that you should worry about when you're totally new to this. I'd say that the short range plan is to start signing up for companies, and do assignments that are very close to home, so you can get experience while not spending a lot of money on gas.

Medium-range plan, start putting together collections of assignments that you can make a profit on. That's where I am now, and I can see good possibilities there.

Long range plan, (and I'm not there yet, and don't know if I ever will be), get such a good reputation with MSC companies, that they start phoning you, with offers of big money to do shops that someone else flaked out on.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2014 01:04AM by Ishmael.
What Ishmael said. I don't even look at a job under $18 and I never earn less than $25 an hour but I'm signed up with many companies. Perhaps to start you might take a few of them to see if it's for you and to help build a reputation but yes it does pay off on a weekly basis.
I'm in FL too and a grocery store shop that pays $8 and reimburses $10 is always worth it for me because there is always something I need at the grocery store. The stores are everywhere so I don't drive too far and the reports are fast.
jaykie Wrote:
> Are the such thing as phone or internet shops with
> this company?

What company are you talking about?
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