Best Site to Locate Mystery Shopper Openings

Hello I am new, but understand the concept very well.

I am looking for the Best Sites to visit for Mystery Shopper Openings.

I also have a PayPal Account that I want to use for doing this type of work (I also sell on EBay).

Thanks so much!!

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You are in the right place. Simply sign up with the companies listed below...

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
Great advice from mrcomputer. The best way to find job opportunities is to register with a lot of mystery shopping companies. Once accepted by them as a shopper, you can check their job board for opportunities and some will send you e-mails when they post their jobs.
I am new to mystery there a particular place to search for jobs...I just need some direction...Please and thank you!!!
Just sign up for the companies listed below and then check their job boards...

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.

Pay particular attention to the first 11 topics and you will know everything about starting your mystery shopping business.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
Greetings from Georgia! How is everyone? My first shop is tomorrow in a car dealership. Dealerships are out of my element and it seems that no one else wanted it either, but I need to start somewhere. I have been secret shopped many times as a former specialty store manager, and my score was always 94 plus. I DO need more shopper jobs, as I have just moved back home and it is my only employment at the moment. Any shops that come into my inbox are taken within 2-7 minutes (except this one). Any advice?
Good luck! If it's legal in Georgia, and I think it is, have a voice recorder or Smartphone recorder app running--it'll do wonders to refresh your memory as you do the report.
I keep hearing Shopping Bama. Is this a good place to sign up for someone living in Jax, FL?
Hi Lady Accapella,

I have done a couple of the new car shops and find they are pretty simple depending what MSC you are reporting for. If it is the same one I have been shopping for, they also have alot of online /internet car shops and phone shops to service departments, I find that starting off as a MS, these are some of the simpliest shops to do to get your feet wet. I recently did a service shop and for getting the oil changed for free and a nice paying shop, it was well worth the 20 minutes it took to input the data.

If you are going to do any gas shops, you might want to ask the scheduler what is all entailed. I have done gas shops for a couple MSC, and one BRAND was really simple, I was in and out in 15 minutes and paid well for the little I had to do, the other company and BRAND was not so simple and the pay was not equal to the job and only found out after I chose to self assign that it was a detailed 40 page booklet, YIKES!

The good thing is you are bringing management experience to the table and know what you would expect as a manager. I have also worked in management for a couple of those big places in Atlantic CIty, so think that that experience is helpful to the world of mystery shopping.
My second shop was a car dealership. My first was frozen yogurt. I was overwhelmed with everything I had to remember and all the narrative I had to write for that first dealership shop. After the first time it was much easier to remember everything. Good luck!


"Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink."
Hi guys
I am a Canadian mystery shopper in BC . I have been doing it for about 7 months as I have started my own consulting business and I quite enjoy it. Whenever I don't have any serious work scheduled I do shops!
Early on in my career I did everything ie the 5 $ fast food shops with reimbursement and then I wised up! Some of them have ridiculously long surveys!
Now I try to focus on min $15 shops close to home. My favourite is casino shops!!
I live in Ireland im in my late fifties very articulate and know what constitutes good customer service, im fit active , yet because of my age , i am turned down for a lot of shops , why i gave my real age is a mistake.
It's good that you gave your real age. Ethical behavior is a good attribute of an excellent mystery shopper. There are shops geared to specific age groups because in some cases the client has identified their "target customer" and the client wants mystery shoppers according to those demographics.
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Hello, I'll try to answer your question in a little more detail. There are sites JobSlinger/ShadowShopper who post job openings. The downside to using those sites is often the jobs are old because so many shoppers use them.

So unfortunately all you can do is sign up with the individual companies. Think like if you wanted a job at wal mart. You may see an opening on Indeed. But the fastest way to find the job is to be registered for Wal Mart. So when they do put the job up you're one of the first to see it therefore giving you an advantage on other shoppers.

Which company to sign up for? You'll get some answers but everyone is different. There's hundreds of them.

I sell on Amazon! I was hoping to use Mystery Shopping to supplement that and help that business do more. PM me if you have any tips or wanna discuss more!
Does anyone shop for amber arch , i signed up done a shop , emailed twice got no reply or recognition at all .
Amber Arch is a mystery shopping company located in the U.K. Almost all the shoppers here on the forum are from the U.S. and Canada. We have had a few mystery shoppers who live in other countries check in. Maybe one of them will return and comment. I am signed up with them - they are a Sassie company - but I've not seen anything in my area.
Looks like they'd be just the thing for the people who posted recently, wondering about shops in Ireland.
If we return to the OP's question . . . there are many sites where independent schedulers post jobs away from the company job boards. What do they post? Generally the jobs that weren't immediately taken. Why waste the time and energy putting all jobs on job boards all over the place if the job is good enough it gets snagged immediately? Company schedulers spend the time posting to job boards away from their company's board when they have a shortage of qualified shoppers in a geographic area.

JobSlinger does post all jobs from some SASSIE platform companies but not all companies. Jobs posted to our job board here are neither new jobs nor all jobs that the schedulers posting them have to fill. They are rather the jobs becoming urgent or likely to become urgent.

Far and away the best place for jobs is to go to the source--the job board of the company you registered with. Make checking job boards daily a part of your life. When you have figured out that Company A posts during the last week of the month, you can probably check their board every 2-3 days for 'returned' jobs that were cancelled but check daily or 2X daily the last week of the month. Company B posts in what appears to be a totally random fashion akin to 'when I get around to it', so they probably need to stay on the daily list if they have clients you want to shop. This is part of the business of being a shopper.
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