A small business loan is probably a bad idea. If you are using a credit card for small MS-related expenses (pens, clipboards, paper, printer ink, gasoline, bus passes) you are probably fine as long as you pay on that card as much as you can possibly afford. I would only use credit for significant MS-related expenses (digital camera, computer) only once you have been shopping for at least a month or two and the lack of those items is really holding you back from further opportunities. A vehicle I would probably wait until you've been shopping for 6 to 9 months, and even then, you just want basic transportation that won't break down on you for a while.
Whatever you do, don't overuse the credit cards if you have them. If you have or can get $1,000 or more available credit, you should be able to do enough shops that don't require a car and don't require you to pay cash to get by for a while. (I'm assuming you're at least in a city with decent public transit. Cab fare will almost certainly eat whatever profits you might make unless you are bonused that amount to do the shop to begin with.)