I do some shops with my children. I have an 8 year old, who is old enough to handle herself on shops where she's allowed. We do dinner dates and have a great time. The baby, I will bring if she's sleeping and it's an easy shop. Sometimes I find if I have multiple interactions but no intent to buy from that area my 8 year old is helpful- I can say, my daughter wants to know if there are other flavors of donuts, etc.
I also have a toddler though, and I try my hardest not to bring him along. He's loud, and distracting. He actually peed on the floor on a "kids preferred shop" (which wound up costing me money because I had to buy him a new outfit and return to the store to finish my transaction). It just depends.
I actually prefer not to do phone shops when my kids are at home with me, because they're loud and they often interrupt. It's doable to shop with kids, but not ideal. Some companies completely forbid them.
All that said, I do most of my shopping around my husband's work schedule, so I can shop alone. It's not impossible to shop with children, just more difficult.