How Seasonal Is This Business?

Even though I've only been doing this since May, I've noticed a serious drop in the number of shops being posted for August as opposed to June and July. Is that typical? Is this a real seasonal business, and if so when are the busy times (and slow times)?

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Over time you will find that this business works more in a quarterly cycle than in a 'seasonal' cycle. There are shops that are done monthly, shops that are done quarterly and one time shops. Generally there are more shops at the beginning of the month and the beginning of a quarter. In part this allows companies to get the jobs done early in whatever the cycle is so that if a shopper flakes and the job must be relisted or a report is unacceptable and needs to be redone, this can be accomplished without necessarily having to pay a premium.

Often you will find more shops available between Thanksgiving and Christmas as many shoppers reduce or stop shopping to do their holiday entertaining and other family things.
Mine does not seem to run the same seasons as some people's on the mainland. I have some things steady, some things quarterly, some things go away, and some new ones open. It kinda balances out over any given quarter, though not a given month.

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~Gilbert K. Chesterton
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