To be certified or not?

I just starting shopping a month ago, I am really enjoying the experience and was thinking of becoming Silver Certified. My question is, does the certification really make that much of a difference in the jobs I'm awarded? I have seen several companies promote the certification; however, I've also been able to get jobs from those same companies without the Cert. Times are hard and I don't want to spend the $ if I won't receive any real benefit from it. TIA!

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I'd do it.

I've had situations where I'm the only MSPA-certified shopper in a group requesting the same shops. I received the shops as a result.

Seriously, it's the easiest $15 ever to spend and take the test. My 6-year old nephew could ace the Silver certification, it's that simple.
I wouldn't do it. I got the silver certification and never noticed any difference. I have heard a couple of shoppers say the Gold made a difference but really I get more work than I can handle so I'm not going to bother.
I also would not bother. When I started shopping, I got the Silver Cert because I thought it would be required. It was cheap - $15 - and I would venture to say that ColoKate is right - a 6 year old could pass it. That disappointed me because if a 6 year old can pass a certification test, what does that say about its value. About 8 months after I started shopping, a family member started shopping. He is NOT certified. He and I see exactly the same shops and I don't feel I have an edge on him because of the Silver Certification.

I don't have Gold so I can't speak to that - and I have heard from a couple of Gold Certified shoppers that Gold is worth it.
I want to get certified but really it's only for one company. I've heard rumors that you see very few shops for them unless you're certified, and that seems to be the case for me. People post about all these shops they have, and many of them are shops I would like and should have in my area, but I never see them even when looking at literally every state.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
Welcome msdia19,

This is a topic that there is much discussion on the forums with many shoppers feeling strongly both ways. I think the best answer is with the MSPs themselves. Some state they prefer certified shoppers and will give a certified shopper an edge over otherwise similarly qualified shoppers. Some have no public position on the topic. As for me, I am Silver certified and it helps me show I am serious about mystery shopping to new MSPs that I apply to. For that reason, I think certification is helpful.

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
If you're consistently getting more good offers than you can accept, there's no need to certify. If you'd like to see more offers from more companies, it can't do you any harm. I know for a fact I get offers that go out first to MSPA certified shoppers. If you aren't interested in those offers, you don't need to certify. Many shoppers who are not certified do very well. They are already established and well known to the MSPs. I believe it all depends on the individual shopper. I certified very early and it helped me and still does. It may or may not be of value to you. I first got the silver and then added the gold. I saw a difference after each certification.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
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