Forgot to submit receipt

I did my first shop today. Scanned and attached the receipt and began completing the evalutation. When I finished the evaluation form, I saw that the session had timed out and I had to log in again and the receipt was not longer attached. I attached (kinda) the receipt again but forgot to save it sad smiley sad smiley then submitted the report. I realized right away what I had done and emailed the scheduler immediately. I'm kind of freaking out because I don't want my very first shop to be invalid. What will likely happen?

Thanks for any feedback.

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Every company operates in a different way. The only way we could speculate on what would likely happen in the situation you have presented is if you tell us what company you are dealing with. Even if you tell us the company, any speculation about what the company will do is just that: a guess based on perhaps having worked for them. You have done the right thing by contacting your scheduler. This is something you should work out with the company.
It sounds like you were doing a report for a company that uses the Sassie platform. From past experience if it lets you submit without a receipt, you have an option of faxing it. If it wasn't a company that uses the Sassie platform, maybe the scheduler will let you email it.
I would also email the receipt to your scheduler alongwith a note explaining. This happens all the time with the Sassie platform, and the schedulers are aware of the issue.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
I wouldn't sweat it. As walesmaven said email the receipt to the scheduler. They want to take your shop.
We all have an "oops" moment from time to time. I have accidentally uploaded old receipts for shops done at the same location in a previous month without realizing it and had them contact me for the correct receipt. As long as you submit your reports on time, give accurate and well-written information, and are available for any necessary corrections (like sending a receipt), you are all good.
Much to my chagrin, a Prophet report submitted without the required upload recently.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
chagrin is *almost* as good of a word as obtuse.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind

You did the right thing. Don't put in the receipt until your done. Save the work and go back and put in the receipt, than submit.

Also, save your work several times before submitting. I always save the whole report at the end, go back and submit.

Start slow. Learn how to write a narrative. Always review what you typed. Your scheduler is there to help you, it works both ways.
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