Arizona Mystery shops

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Can't tell you because I'm not there, but here are some national companies you can sign with: Corporate Research (changed to ExpertSolutions), Market Force, BestMark, Maritz, and Bare.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
Got bored, went looking. National Shopping Service, Shoppers Inc., and Sinclair would be good companies to look at. At least these are companies I know of which I would be able to keep working for were I to find myself in Phoenix all of a sudden.
I found most of my jobs by signing up with Shadowshopper and Jobslinger. They both have lists of jobs in your area. I paid shadowshopper for detailed information and it has paid off. I get daily emails telling me what is being offered in my area.
Jobslinger will show all the sassie shops near you on a list.
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