What to do...........

The store owner of my 1st shop knew instantly who I was.... he baited me into continuing with the next step of the shop, as he clearly knew the routine better than I did. I denied knowing what he was talking about, but it still made me uncomfortable.

Does any of that make it into the report or do I just fill it out as if nothing out of the ordinary happened?

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I would report the shop as I normally would. You can report what he said but I wouldn't put your opinion that he was baiting you, because it although it may really have looked that way to you, you could have been wrong and misinterpreted him. I've often thought I've been completely found out just to find out later that I haven't.
I answered in the other thread. Report as usual with no comment about what you thought he thought. Report on what actually happened. Execute the guidelines. You'll be fine.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
Thanks. I'll fill it out without the incident. I'm 100% certain he knew. He's the owner of the shop & he knew exactly what my next step was to be and said so.... These shops at his store must be quite regular & never vary at all.
Late to the party on this one, I know...

It could be they have a script and the shop instructions were just written from the script. That might look like baiting to a shopper who didn't know this.
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