private message

I know I am much more paranoid now after reading the forum but ....
It says I have a private message on the top of the page and wants me to download a mail reading app. I am scared to.
Is this legitimate?

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Are you read this on a phone or on your computer? Go to your personal email that you listed when you signed up here, and there should be an email stating that you have a private message. Go ahead and click on it and follow the instructions. It will be legitimate.
Click on your name, it will take you to your own listing. It should show private message. If you click on it, the message will show up. I get them and open them,and nothing bad has happened. I'll send you one now so you can see if it shows you have 1 more private message.
I think what she's seeing is a banner ad that's trying to trick her into installing software.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
I think that was it. Sometimes you can get fooled with some of the stuff that pops up on top. Right now mine is showing
JOB SEARCH like it's an internal search engine.
Googleing inboxace toolbar gives results calling it malware. I won't touch it either.

I'm curious, was it a banner ad or on the top of one of the pages of this forum?

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
It may be harmless, but I haven't clicked on it, as I suspect spam, fraud, unwanted, unsavory, will result. It is not the way members receive PMs. When a PM is sent, the recipient gets an email advising of the PM, and the member is advised of a New Message on this board.
cindy55 Wrote:
> It's a small banner, under the box that says New
> Mystery Shoppers

If that's where you're seeing the message that you have a private message, and it's on a banner no less, it is NOT from this forum, it's an ad. You're right not to click on it.

If someone sent you a private message on this forum, it would be indicated in the upper right hand corner of the page, in the blue banner header thing that's part of the forum. And you wouldn't be asked to download anything to view it. smiling smiley

Practitioner of the Nerdly Arts.
I thought it was suspicious so I didn't click on it. When I did a search for "private message" I found this thread. Bet a lot of people have downloaded the information, but hope not.
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