First shop tomorrow!

I have my first shop tomorrow, a bank shop opening a checking account...I'm so very nervous. I have read over the questionaire at least 4 times, I'm nervous I'm going to forget something and be out the fee for opening the account...wish me luck!

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After the first one the nerves go pretty quick. Good luck!

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
Well it's done! I about threw up in the car before I got out but things went well I think. First part of the report submitted and waiting on a call to do the rest!
WTG. I was that nervous at first too. I still get nervous on some shops that are new to me.
I do too, but less so than I used to.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
Good job!

Nervous I was during my first shop too. smiling smiley

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
flyerno88 Wrote:
> Well it's done! I about threw up in the car
> before I got out but things went well I think.
> First part of the report submitted and waiting on
> a call to do the rest!


It takes time, but it will get easier, particularly doing repeat assignments. However, I still get nervous when doing new-to-me shops. Today, I did a $5 fee and $7 reimbursement shop that I had not done before. The days leading up to it, I read, and re-read guidelines. Last night, I realized guidelines didn't state whether I should ask for a receipt if it was not offered. It was weekend, and I didn't expect there was a guard on duty, but nevertheless, I emailed my question. Fortunately, I received a reply!
I wish I had seen this earlier.

Bank account opening shops, while lucrative, aren't the best introduction into MSing. That said, if you were able to get through a bank opening shop as your first shop, you're doing better than I did when I started.

Have you gone out on any shops since?
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