How Long Does It Take to Hear Back?

I did my mystery shopping a week ago and filled out the report and sent the recipt. I know they have the recipet and it was ok. But I haven't heard back if the report was ok or not. How long does it usually take thme to get back to you? thanks.

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Well I just saw that they took away the link for me to get any more shops so I guess i did something wrong sad smiley Not sure why they never bothered to tell me though.
Sally, no one can answer your question because you haven't provided the name of the mystery shopping company. Each company works in a different way. No two companies operate exactly the same way.
I'd rather not say. But at least i feel better that a week could be ok smiling smiley I did email them tonight.
I can certainly understand why you might not want to post the name of the company. But please know that, although many of us would be glad to answer questions, unless the MSC is specified, there's no way to provide answers to how a company operates. E-mailing the company and posing your question is probably a much better idea than posting the question on the forum.

Your question is as generic as the following. "I have an item to return. What is the return policy?"

Without the name of the MSP, none of can tell you if your MSP is one of those that does not communicate anything after a successful shop until the payment arrives. You can search the threads naming that MSP for information or you might PM one of us if that makes you feel better. Generally speaking, MSPs will communicate if there is a problem, so no news is good news.

Good luck!

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut

Also, some MSP's are smaller companies and may only have one client in your area. The fact that you can't see any more shops may just mean that since you already completed one for that client, you aren't eligible to complete more for the same client for a certain number of days. This is normal practice and is called rotation and is meant to help keep you from being recognized as the shopper and to keep the shops more objective as they want more peoples' opinions than just yours.

Shopping across Indiana but mostly around Indianapolis.
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