I was wondering about the amount of details to provide when filling out the form.
I feel a bit torn between brevity and elaboration.
1-Is it better to answer exactly the question, following the “Just the facts mam” model, but it might seem as if you’re lazy or didn’t really pay attention to any details.
2- Or is ‘more is better’ in regards to things that you observe. There is a minimum word limit, so I elaborate but I’m concerned the editors are thinking “Oh come on! Nobody cares about this stuff!” and therefore adding more work.
The main mystery shop company I use recommends to look at the mystery shop forum or help areas, and as I cannot see these on their site I’m assuming they mean in general, so I thought I’d ask here. This might be an impractical question as answers have too many variables, but I’m wondering how others weigh in.
*I’ve looked for a question regarding this subject and couldn’t find a post. If there is, my apologies and, perhaps you could post a link*
Thanks for your time!!