Mystery Shopper Blogs

I decided to investigate the possibility of being a mystery shopper four days ago. For the past three days I have been on this forum learning as much as I can. Now I would like to make my first contribution. The site is called the Mystery Shopping Learning Center. The last activity on this blog was July 2013; however the blog was created in 2008 and contains many articles. I liked the article regarding how to spot a MS Scam. The address is []

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The other site that I like is called Mystery Shopper's Manual. The owner of this site has also written a book by the same title; however, there are free articles, a directory of Mystery Shopping Companies, and a free seven day ecourse. The address is []
What are you getting there that you don't get for free here. And this site is not run by the MS companies.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Please send me information on the Mystery Shopper Bldgs but send information to my husband <email address removed>

Thank you

Moderator note: It really isn't a good idea to post your email address in a public forum.
Hi, Betty, welcome to the forum. This is a site with contributions by mystery shoppers. Everything here is free, all you have to do is read what's available. We aren't able to fill special requests and e-mail information to you, but there is a good search function and you can search and read all topics.
Just downloaded Rewardable, a bunch of in-store tasks in my area. I’ll try them out this weekend when I go grocery shopping. You do need PayPal to get paid.
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