I'm new to mystery shopping

My first shop was extremely nerve-racking....to the point that I kind of "zoned out" while the representative was talking. I was so worried that I would be found out....and I was stumbling all over myself. The rep was a manager and he seemed to pretty much go down the entire form mentioning everything he was supposed to, so that made me even more paranoid that he was onto me.

Do the nerves go away? I thought it would be so easy since the scenario was actually accurate to my real life, but it ended up being stressful. It truly was not the most pleasant experience. I have a few more "interaction" shops set up, and now I'm worried.

I think I might just stick to the simple shops with few interactions, as well as the reveal audits. I did a pizza delivery shop and the interactions were much easier.

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Stick with what you're comfortable with to start, and then as your comfort level increases, try more complicated shops.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
I have only been doing this a little over a month. I have learned a lot in one month. One of my first shops was real difficult. It wasn't me , it was the sales staff being stupid and was difficult to get what I needed to hear. I finally left and called the scheduler who told me I got what they wanted and the particular staff was shopped on purpose. She told me to just document what happened. I was concerned before I sent in the report and got a 9 out of 10.
Just signup with as many companies as you can. Try a little of everything and see what you feel comfortable with. In one month I already have 2 favorite companies so far and 2 favorite assignments.
The other thing I do is "practice runs". Every where you go act like its a shop. Get names , time certain things, all without the pressure. It has worked for me. In a thread I posted yesterday I talked about doing a grocery store practice shop.
I was at a bog box store today and not on a shop, But I was observing things there I really never paid attention too.
americanjoe had a great idea for any new shopper. Try going out on a trial run at a different location before your shop date. It will calm your fears and give you more confidence.

Yes, I still remember myfirst two shops! My teeth were practically chattering. It gets better fast. You are not alone!

Welcome to the forums! Now that you have made your first posting, don't be a stranger.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Hi C123,

Welcome to the Forum!

You have found a terrific resource to help you with mystery shopping. Not only is this a place to ask questions in threads, but you will find valuable reading in some threads that are like true reference materials.

As for your question, yes, I think that the nerves will go away with practice. I think your choice to do simpler shops with fewer interactions is a good choice so find your personal 'comfort zone.' What helped me at first was doing the same simpler shops multiple times. As you do that, you will find that those shops become easier. After you have reached a comfort level with those, observations on different shops will become easier because many have very similar observations from shops you already know well.

Have fun with it! smiling smiley

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
Keep trying different shops. You might surprise yourself which ones turn out to be enjoyable.

I was so nervous at first all my jobs were taking way longer than necessary. On my first grocery shop I had to ask to speak to the manager. I walked around and around the store and finally left.
I talked myself into going back later and asked for the manager. I was just sweating and shaking. The manager came out, shook my hand, smiled and asked how she could help me. I asked a question (from the list provided). The manager was professional and welcoming. So, all that stress for nothing. LOL
So, I did a couple more interaction ones. The nerves are gone for the most part, but I am still forgetting a few details here and there. Some of those surveys are so detailed! I guess I just need to study the guidelines more. On my first shop, the guy at the cell phone place talked so fast....I was zoned out from nerves....I honestly can't remember a thing he said during the first part of our interaction. I only marked him down on like one or two things though, so I hope he doesn't get any points taken off. I wish they showed what the point allocations were for the client.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/12/2013 07:28AM by c123.
May I suggest try a fast food or gas station! That was where I started many years ago. It does get better with time. And if a report get rejected don't get discourage. I had one rejected because I shopped at the wrong time, that was in my early days. We all make mistakes

expect the unexpected
c123 Wrote:
> So, I did a couple more interaction ones. The
> nerves are gone for the most part, but I am still
> forgetting a few details here and there. Some of
> those surveys are so detailed! I guess I just need
> to study the guidelines more

c123 Checkout the thread I posted about dvr's . I have found them to be very valuable to remember details. Be sure to check to see if it is legal before you record any conversations other than your own thoughts.
C123, yes the nerves eventually go away. I don't think being nervous and worried when you're new is anything unusual. I was a wreck for the first few shops; in fact, I remember one fast food shop where I lost the burger and fries sack before I got out of the drive thru lane. Found it, so everything worked out. That was my first clue I needed to organize my front seat for mystery shopping.

Careful preparation before you go will help; also doing dry runs of the shop ahead of time will help. You'll get through this and you'll be fine if you hang in there and keep working on it.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
MDavisnowell, that's funny. I would love to see your front seatsmiling smiley

c123 - keep at it, practice makes perfect!
One of my biggest worries is causing someone to lose their job or get in trouble....at this place I used to work, anyone who "failed" a mystery shop got fired on the spot. Like I said, I wish we could see the point allocations.
Read the guidelines two, three, four or more times. Give the MSP exactly what it asks for. Don't worry about allocations. That takes the pressure off. It's not about you - and I say that with all due respectwinking smiley
You apparently worked at one of the rare places that does not use our reports to decide to retrain people who get low scores. That must have been a terrible experience, but it was not typical unless the issue was health or safety or illegal activities.

If you try to avoid giving negative reports or even just any negative answers you will have a terrible time. Please try to remember that we are hired to be objective. That means reporting what we see, no matter what it is, truthfully and without our opinions (unless explicitly asked for an opinion.)

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
I'm new, too, finally took the jump and scheduled a shop. am going to post my own post with questions lol But I wanted to add onto this post - the shop I scheduked was fast food at a retaunt I go to ocassionally but have been to enough times that I know the menu and the layout of the restaurant. I am hoping that being in a familiar environment will help tame the nerves!
SallyShopper, I was surprised at how quickly my nerves disappeared after that first "jump." It is surprising how much money you can actually accumulate just from a few really simple shops that you do in your spare time. Imagine if you do it all day everyday. You might actually make more than you would at a real job! Kind of mind-blowing.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/15/2013 07:16PM by c123.
You'll never get rich mystery shopping, but it's a great way to pick up a little extra money.
myjah, if you have a check and have not actually performed a mystery shop it is nothing but a scam. Tear it up, take it to the police, do anything except attempt to cash the darn thing. Also cut off all communication with the person or alleged company who sent you the check. Be forewarned, if you attempt to go through with it the check will bounce, you will be responsible for any all money and fees and you will risk being jailed for fraud.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
Legitimate mystery shopping companies do not sent payroll checks and they only pay AFTER you complete an assignment and turn in the report.
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