Direct Deposit

Hello Shopper's,
I am wondering how people send their banking information to the different companies. Some ask to use a fax number as it is more secure and others want it emailed, any concerns on this? Thanks!

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Hi Chef. Please don't fax or email your banking information. Who is asking you to do this? I've signed up with many, many mystery shopping companies and not one has asked for banking information to be faxed or emailed. ALL of them ask for entry directly on their websites. Are you sure you're dealing with a legitimate company? This sounds like a scam to me.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
I've done so for two companies but only to get direct deposit. One Canadian MSC only pays by direct deposit and requires you to fax or e-mail the info. It's not completely unheard of and doesn't necessarily mean you are being scammed. They pay much faster than all these other companies with their 30-45-90 Paypal only nonsense..

Your original post was kind of vague.. are you giving the banking info to get direct deposit? You never have to give out your bank info when signing up. Often companies will give you the option to waive entering that info upfront (e.g. BARE/BAI is one MSC that doesn't force you to enter it in). Only send banking info for direct deposit purposes and/or if you feel it's OK. Trust your gut.

Silver Certified ~ Shopping all of Toronto and beyond
I had to email Direct Deposit info for Ardent. (Had to be printed, signed, scanned, and uploaded back). There is one more company that asked me to fax it that is still on my to do list. It would probably be better to list the particular MSC and their website here so someone can reassure you. :-)
SQM, I had to fax the info. Another Canadian company, I scanned an e-mail Direct Deposit form. Other you just enter your banking info into your profile info. I always have done at least one assignment before giving my DD info to any MSC to make sure they are legit. I prefer Pay Pal.

expect the unexpected
Other than Ardent (I emailed my DD info), I have entered the info on the company's website.
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