
I am new to mystery shopping.A lot of the companies that I have signed up with require a gold or silver certificate.What is this,and how do I get it?

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MSPA issues certificates, gold or silver. I can't tell you much detail as I'm not certified, nor have I worked for a company who requires certification. Some of the companies will ask if you're certified, some may say they prefer if you're certified. From what I've read in this forum, and others, certification costs money, and doesn't necessarily gain shoppers more work. It seems to be more about bragging rights. Maybe certification would give you an edge if you live in an area where there are tons of shoppers competing for work - or maybe not.

I haven't paid anything to be a shopper, and have done just fine.
You can find more about MSPA certification costs and such at [www.mysteryshop.org] but I suspect you will find that better shopping opportunities come from good performance on jobs you accept. Survival in this business for 6 months or more is probably the best key to getting work because any newbie can buy certification and still put up poor performance. Folks who 'get it right' on work and get paid for their efforts are more likely to be around more than 6 months.
I went ahead and did the silver cert since it was so inexpensive and I was getting back into the business. When I left mystery shopping there was no "certifications" so I did much research before paying. I don't know if I get more jobs becuase I am certified, but I will say I am proud to have that certificate, and if a company requires a writing sample, you can bet I state that I am Silver Certified in it. I can't imgagine picking up even more work by having the gold cert. Doesn't seem possible, and I do agree that your reputation will carry you with many-a-scheduler, moreso than a certification number. Just my 2 cents.
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