looking for more shops in my area

I have been doing this off and on for a little over a year taking large segments of time off in-between. I want to do more mystery shopping, however, so I am trying to add companies. It seems each company only shops one or two places in my area and once I have shopped those places, there aren't a lot of opportunities and I have to wait until I can shop them again. SO.... again, I am looking for more companies. Any suggestions on the best way to find companies that have shops in my area. I find that I will sign up with someone only to find they have some shops in my state but none in my area. I stay with them in case they expand and add places. Can I post an inquiry about shop companies that have shops in my area? Is that allowed on here?

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You can ask, but it is not an easy question to answer for those not in the same area. Those in your area may be unwilling to share their list because they took the time to sign up with 100 or 150 or 200 companies. Honestly, some of the best assignments I've had came from companies that rarely have work in my area. Had I not signed up with them the opportunity would have never come my way.

There are ways to simplify and streamline the registration process. Find a program or browser that will fill in much of your basic information. Create several generic writing samples and a simple resume which you can have save so all it takes is a quick copy and paste into an application. I also keep copies of other documents for quick upload, driver's license, recent photo and a copy of my current insurance card. With all of that you should be able to register with most companies in as little as five minutes. That translates to spending one hour a week and adding 12 new companies.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
Thanks Lisa..

I don't mind signing up for a ton of companies and searching for them. I just keep getting bummed that I seem to find ones that don't shop my area. I guess that is the crap shoot! I'll just keep finding more and more to sign up for winking smiley Maybe it would help if I organized my list to ones that have more in my area and ones that do not... hmmm.

Thanks for the other advice (keeping scans of DL, etc). I guess you are right.. I suppose not everyone in my area would be too keen on me stepping on their toes! lol.
I don't know where you are located but I find the same thing in the midwest. I live three hours from four major cities but am limited in what is in my area. I have signed up for 100's of companies and I've been doing it since 2007. Each year it gets a little better. I take a day or two off during the month and travel to those cities to pick up lots of work in two days. It can be exhausting but well worth the time spent. I'm also finding that scheduller's are referring me to other schedullers because they know they can count on me. I'm just the opposite, I'm constantly trying to refer my friends who are complaining they don't have any money to sign up and get some but then they complain it's too much work. I just think, I wish someone I knew was making this money if I can't for the next 6 month rotation. Keep looking. It's my opinion things are going to bust open for us this next year because companies are going to cut back on employee hours and that will make the employees mad and deliver bad customer service and we'll be sent it to find out why they are losing so much money. That's my hope anyway and my opinion only.
dreamweaver Wrote:
It's my opinion things are going to bust
> open for us this next year because companies are
> going to cut back on employee hours and that will
> make the employees mad and deliver bad customer
> service and we'll be sent it to find out why they
> are losing so much money. That's my hope anyway
> and my opinion only.

That would be lovely, but, to play devil's advocate, if companies cut back on employee hours, that may very well throw more mystery shoppers into the market.
I schedule shops in lots of states. Do not schedule out of the US. If you would email me your name, email address and towns and states you shop I will check and see if we have anything in your area. Thanks, Ellen scheduling for Service Savvy
Email address: EllenforPSS@aol.com
Also - check out JobSlinger to identify companies with jobs in your area. The jobs posted on Jobslinger will likely be gone by the time you get to them, but it will show you companies that have recent jobs in your area and you can sign up with them.
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