claiming mileage on trips with shops

I did a mystery shop at a golf course in another state. It was 350 miles away from my home. I stayed over at a hotel as it was too long a trip to drive back after golf. Can I claim the hotel as a mystery shop expense on my Schedule C?

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Probably, but I would suggest you read the Schedule C regs closely. There are conditions that may make it fully deductible, partly deductible or not deductible at all. I am working on the notion that you were paid enough to perform the shop in bonuses or whatever to make the shop a viable proposition.

When I drive 150 miles round trip to visit family and do a gas station shop in their city at list price, my gut tells me that I could not comfortably defend claiming a deduction for the 150 miles for a $15 shop. If, on the other hand, I drove those 150 miles, stayed over with family and the following day performed heavily bonused shops and picked up other shops that would have made the drive worthwhile, I would claim the mileage.
Hi Flash,

My plan is to someday do a trip to a location and do several shops, like golf courses, and stay over. I would think that I could claim the hotel expenses. I'm not out to make alot of money via MS, just have fun and not be considered a hobby by the IRS.
Doing several shops on an overnight trip is much more likely to have the shop fees and/or travel allowance from the MSC, cover most or all of your expenses. In that case, I do not think that the IRS would be questioning the hotel claim for that trip. I make about 6 trips a year to family about 240 miles from my home base. I shop on both legs of the trip and during my stay with them. I write off 100% of the fuel, tolls. enroute meals (but not meals at their home), parking, and incidentals. I do not expect to be challenged on any of that. But, if I did a 4 day trip there and did one $25 shop, I would be very wary of claiming all of my trip expenses. Road tolls alone, one way, would exceed $25.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

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