I'm new with question for starting MS!

Hi, like I said I'm new at this and don't know much about it,
I started signing up at jobslinger and the first company i looked at was market force, now, I didn't know they would ask for my ssn, and i didn't complete the registration yet, do you think it's safe? How do I know which company would be safe in the future or not?

thanks a lot!

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Companies like Market Force asking for your ssn is normal. They need that to pay you. Make sure its a company that folks here deal with and respect before you give up your ssn...winking smiley

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
As a rule of thumb, if you see the job/company posted on Jobslinger.com you can feel pretty sure that it is a legitimate company and provide the required information. If you find the company on the list of companies here or at Volition.com you can feel pretty sure it is legitimate.
I've found to look at the end of the URL for the lock, or look at the beginning for https:// and you'll be safe.
Certainly the URL lock symbol or the 's' on https let you know that the site is secure, but it doesn't let you know that your information is secure in the hands of the recipient. That is why it is important to sign up on websites of legitimate companies that you have found on lists of companies from here, the Volition.com website or the MSPA etc. Not all of these companies offer you the option of a secure website to sign up, but I figure that if you go yourself to a website you have found on a reliable list, then you are probably safe putting in personal data. I would never, ever, ever send in my personal information in response to an unsolicited email I received.
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