Create a mystery shopping bussines

hi every body,

I live in latin america and i am interested in create a mystery shopping bussines ,i have some cuestions:

how much money charge to the companies for our services?

what kind of services package can i offer?

how much money pay to the mystery shopers agents for each visit?

where do i find free ressources like sofware,information ,manuals etc.

thanks so mucho for your answers

PD :my email es

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Hi, kerkus, welcome to the forum. Most of the information you are seeking is here on the forum. A lot of it is in the New Mystery Shopper area, right above this post. Starting your own mystery shopping business is very time-consuming, because it requires that you read and research in order to begin. It would be extremely time-consuming for us to duplicate all the information provided here and to e-mail it to you. I suggest you settle in and start reading. A few hours of research here on the forum should yield you a good amount of information, way enough to get you started.
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