Cori Report JavaScript Error

I boycotted Cori for a while so I haven't done a report for them in a long time. I'm trying to enter my report and I got a JavaScript error: "Unable to get property style of undefined or null reference - line number 262"

Can someone help? And, yes, I'm using Internet Explorer.


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Did you click on the compatibility view icon near the refresh arrow button? You need to do this at the start of the report. If you click it inside the report, you'll lose everything you've already entered.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
Good to know. I was having the same problem while using Firefox and it stopped giving me errors if I went in using Explorer. I'm sure that I will encounter the same issue with Explorer and now I have the solution ready and waiting!
Thank you so much for the information on the compatibility mode. I am new to mystery shopping (started last month) and was trying to enter my first report for Cori. The popup was making me insane. This forum has been such a lifesaver!
I am in that insane mode as we speak! I am using Firefox and keep getting a Javascript error saying permission denied, parentnode, line 937. I don't see a compatibility button and I don't have IE. Someone please help!
Techman started a thread today under General Chat about how to get the latest version of Java. Why don't you try that and see if it helps with your problem?

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
I just updated everything yesterday but I will definitely read his post to make sure I do. It finally stopped and hopefully it all went through correctly. This was my first report with them so we will see. Thanks.
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