LisaSTL Wrote:
> You are not being daft. Not all companies handle
> it the same way either. Some will not pay
> anything, others pay a reduced fee and still
> others will pay the full fee. GFK and MarketForce
> are two that go with the reduced fee. Virtually
> all mystery shopping companies will be clear that
> it is your responsibility to find out a store is
> open during the time you plan to shop. With most
> retail establishments it is easy and only unusual
> circumstances would have you finding them closed.
> These cell phone stores are a completely different
> animal. Often the store being shopped is not a
> corporate store, it is one of their authorized
> retailers. The list provided by the wireless
> carrier to the mystery shopping company is not
> always up to date. It is an extra step, but not a
> big deal to call ahead and verify their address
> and hours of operation.
Thanks again, Lisa! I'm going to try my first one tomorrow.
I hope it goes well. I am a great shopper for myself, so hopefully it carries over to mystery shopping!