crbfrmnewyork Wrote:
> When I do those shops, I just taste as required
> and eventually toss the rest. I did that long
> before I started shopping. I just explained if
> asked that I had gastric surgery (which is true)
> and I can only eat a few bites (also true). Makes
> it easy to deal with the nasty stuff they serve.
> And they are one of the easiest shops around.
Apparently CRBfromNY------>why toss it? There are enough hungry people walking the streets of NY that you can give it too. The client only wants you to taste so that you don't come back to them, two hundred and 99 pounds later, suing for a gastric bypass. It is like the Hot coffee suit from years past----"Who knew........spilt hot coffee burns"?
To avoid see someone eating out of the trash can, I would give it to them. It is like after we taste the FF/bites of chicken, we might bring it home and give to our kids/family. Taste and sight is all the client is looking for.