14 years old

can you work as a mystery shopper if your 14 years of age.
i can not seem to find any sites which advertise jobs for people under 16.

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You may have to work through a parent's sign up. Part of the issue here is that you are young enough that a company cannot really contract with you directly for work. There are, however, a number of jobs that need someone underage. Examples of these are shops with Bestmark that require an underage person to attempt to purchase a video game. The purpose of these shops is to make certain that stores are abiding to the rules regarding game rating ages. See if you can persuade a parent to sign up themselves to accept jobs and payment that you will perform and report on your behalf.

As you get older there will be many shops available to you--attempting to purchase cigarettes to see if you are carded. A little older, seeing if you are carded when you attempt to order alcohol in a restaurant, etc.
No. And I'm not sure that any of these companies CAN employ under 16's directly. At this time many companies ask on the registration forms if shoppers have children because there are 'child friendly' and 'child required' shopping jobs. This is why I was suggesting you work with/through a parent to perform some jobs.

And yes, the payment would come to your parent, in your parent's name and be taxable to them. So you need to talk with them about what it is that you want to do and see what you can work out with them.

I suspect that you are comfortable with the internet and with forums but your parents may not be. If you need someone to answer their questions about you mystery shopping, have them use your log-in to send me a Personal Message (just click on my name and you will get a screen that allows you to send a personal message).
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